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Home dashboard

Last modified Spells

On the top of your homepage, you'll find a list of the last modifier Spells on your account:

Last modified Spells

This list will help you to collaborate with your team members and to quickly resume your work on your Spells.

Logs from the last 48h

Below the list of your last modifier Spells, you'll find all your production logs for the last 48 hours:

Last 48h logs

That'll give you a quick look to the last requests executing on your account and access some details. You can access the logs' page by clicking on Access your monitoring on the top right on this panel or clicking Logs inside the left menu

Global Spells stats

On the right side of this page, you'll find global statics about requests inside your account:

Requests stats

You can change the period on each graphs by selecting duration in the select box.